- Tamil lyricist Vairamuthu on Saturday said he was “returning” the ONV literary prize. This comes in the wake of criticism against the grant of the award to the songwriter, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women. The award was instituted in the memory of Malayalam poet late O.N.V. Kurup. Mr. Vairamuthu said he was declining the honour as he did not want the jury to face embarrassment.
IIT Hyderabad develops oral
solution for black fungus
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH), have approved
the mass production of an
oral solution to treat black
fungus, providing huge relief
to patients.
After two years of study,
the researchers are now confident that the technology
can be transferred to suitable pharma partners for
largescale production.
The oral solution will ensure
easy medicare for patients
and also affordable with a 60
mg tablet likely to cost ₹200
- Farmers will observe June 5 as ‘Sampoorna Kranti Divas’ by burning copies of the Central farm laws in front of the offices of the BJP MPs and MLAs to mark the day when these legislations were initially promulgated as Ordinances last year, the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) said on Saturday.
- Volunteers of Kashmir Welfare Trust, a non-governmental organisation, prepare packets of food and dry rations for distribution among boatmen and those living on houseboats on the Dal Lake in Srinagar on Saturday
Chinese city locks down
area amid virus surge
The southern Chinese city
of Guangzhou shut down a neighbourhood and ordered
its residents to stay home on
Saturday for door to door
coronavirus testing following an upsurge in infections
that has rattled authorities.
Guangzhou, a business
and industrial centre of 15
million people north of
Hong Hong, has reported 20
new infections over the past
week. The number is small
compared with India’s thousands of daily cases but
alarmed Chinese authorities
who believed they had the
disease under control.
- Authorities in Vietnam have detected a new coronavirus variant that is a combination of the Indian and U.K. COVID19 variants and spreads quickly by air, the Health Minister said on Saturday.
- Mali’s constitutional court on Friday named Colonel Assimi Goita, leader of the postcoup junta, as the country’s transitional President. Soldiers detained caretaker President Bah Ndaw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane on Monday, before releasing them on Thursday after they resigned
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