Swami Shivamayananda, vicepresident of Ramakrishna
Math and Mission, died at a
city hospital on Friday night
due to COVID19 related
complications. He was 86.
The G7 on Saturday unveiled
U.S.led plans to counter
China in infrastructure funding for poorer nations, and a
new accord to prevent future pandemics, as the elite
group sought to showcase
Western unity at its first inperson summit since 2019.
Promising to “collectively
catalyse” hundreds of billions of infrastructure investment for low and middleincome countries, the
G7 leaders said they would
offer a “valuesdriven, highstandard and transparent”
Their “Build Back Better
World” (B3W) project is
aimed at competing with
China’s trilliondollar Belt
and Road infrastructure
(BRI) initiative, which has
been widely criticised for
saddling countries with unmanageable debt but has included even G7 member Italy since launching in 2013.
India is a “natural ally” to
work with the world’s richest G7 countries to fight
against threats of authoritarianism, said Prime Minister
Narendra Modi, speaking at
a special outreach session
for guest countries on “Open
Societies and Open Economies” at the G7 summit that
ended in Corbis Bay, U.K., on
Former India allrounder Vinoo Mankad was among 10
cricket icons inducted to the
International Cricket Council
(ICC) Hall Of Fame on Sunday.
Mankad was among a special edition intake group to
celebrate the history of Test
cricket, and to coincide with
the first ever ICC World Test
Championship Final.
Internet freedoms are subject to national security, said
government sources, claiming that India’s tough negotiations on the joint communique issued by G7 and
Guest Countries at the session on Open Societies had
ensured that the original language criticising “Internet
shutdowns” was amended to
include New Delhi’s
The explanation came after the ‘G7 and Guest Countries: 2021 Open Societies
Statement’ referred to “politically motivated Internet
shutdowns”, which indirectly addresses Internet blackouts in various parts of the
world including India.
Kashmir has experienced
Internet and mobile telephony shutdown since Article
370 was amended on August
5, 2019. Similar communication shutdowns were witnessed in Delhi and Assam
during the protests against
the Citizenship Amendment
Act during 20192020 and
the farmer’s protest last January. Communication shutdowns were also witnessed
in other parts of the world,
including Hong Kong where
a protest against Chinese security laws intensified during 2019.
Rising fuel and edible oil
costs sent India’s wholesale
prices inflation soaring to a
record 12.94% in May, up
from 10.5% in April, and
nudged retail inflation to a
sixmonth high of 6.3%, going past the central bank’s
tolerance threshold of 6%
The Congress government in
Rajasthan will set up a Vedic
Education and Sanskar
Board to revive the knowledge of ancient Sanskrit
scriptures and connect the
learnings of the Vedas with
science and yoga. The board
is likely to be set up in the
coming four to five months.
To reduce pollution in the Yamuna, the Delhi government on
Monday banned the sale, storage, transportation, and marketing of soaps and detergents,
which do not conform to the revised Bureau of Indian Standards
rules, as per an official order.
The order was issued by the
Delhi Pollution Control Committee. In January, the National
Green Tribunal had accepted recommendations of a twomember expert panel which had suggested directing the Delhi
government to take such a step.
Retail inflation hit a sixmonth high of 6.3% in May,
thanks to a persistent rise in
fuel and edible oil prices,
which also played a part in
pushing wholesale prices to
a record 12.94% inflation in
the month, as per data released on Monday.
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